How to Know If My Hairline is Receding? Signs and Effective Treatment!

Both men and women can encounter a receding hairline, however, it is more frequent in men. It can be caused by many circumstances and is one of the early indicators of male pattern baldness. How to know if my hairline is receding?

Male pattern baldness is a normal process of aging, affecting over half of men aged 50 and over. It can result in loss of hair in various ways, but one of the most typical is the hairline to creep back on either side, exposing more of the scalp or forehead. 

A man checking receding hairline looking into mirror

A receding hairline is a term for this. It’s frequently accompanied by a bald area on the crown of the head and, later, hair thinning. 

The hair can either recede until the bald spot and hairline meet, leaving no hair on top of the head, or it can grow back until the bald spot and hairline meet. It can also leave a hair “island” over the brow.

How to know if my hairline is receding?

Portrait of  a handsome bearded guy wearing sunglass with hoodie

Reshaping of your hairline 

Although a visible change in the form of your hairline can occur at any point after puberty, most men do not notice it until they are in their thirties. 

The receding hairline typically begins above the temples and goes back across the top of the head, creating a circular hairless region. An M-shape is sometimes developed on the front side, which is known as widow’s peak. 

Hormonal disorders or genetic susceptibility are the most prominent causes of hairline alterations. 

Lack of hair growth 

Another key indicator of a receding hairline is thinning hair. Hair on the scalp grows about three to 4mm every day in a healthy person. As a result, a random number of hairs will be in three stages of growth and shedding at any given time. 

  • The active phase of hair development is known as anagen. 
  • Catagen is a phase in which you are transitioning from one thing to another. 
  • The resting period is referred to as telogen. 

If you find that your hair grows slowly or does not return well after a haircut, you may have a receding hairline. 

Excessive hair loss after brushing or washing

On typical days, people shed between 50 and 100 hairs per day. So, if you detect a few strands of hair after a shower or while brushing your hair, it’s probably nothing to worry about. 

In contrast, if you notice hair falling out during the day, you might be in the early stages of balding. 

Before you get too worked up, keep in mind that hair loss might be temporary or permanent. Hair loss might occur for a few days to a few weeks without creating long-term damage. 

Loss of hair on the top of the head 

Most men experiencing balding symptoms realize that their hair is thinner at the top circular region of their head. 

Because the crown area is difficult to notice, most men don’t know they have a problem until they have lost nearly half of their hair. 

The top and front of the head contain hair follicles that are particularly vulnerable to DHT. The back and sides of the scalp appear to be more resistant to DHT’s effects in some way. 

There are effective therapy options to reduce the progression if found early. 

Eyelashes, brows, or beard thinning

Unlike popular belief, your head is not the only part of your body where hair can fall out. Alopecia areata is an autoimmune illness in which the immune system attacks the hair follicles. 

Patches of hair can fall out of the beard, nose hair, chest, eyelashes, or pubic areas due to this disorder. It can result in hair loss from the entire head or the entire body.

Sudden hair loss in areas 

Before the onset of hair loss, you may experience a stinging, itching, or burning feeling. This could be an indication of infection, and it needs to be treated right away. 

White nail dots 

Your nails can often reveal what’s going on with your hair. If you detect small craters, pitting, or white areas on your nails, it could be an indication that your hair’s health is at risk. 

If you observe hair loss coupled with any of the above symptoms, you should see a licensed dermatologist as soon as possible.

Factors can cause a hairline recession

how to know if my hairline is receding


By the period they reach the age of 80, up to 80% of males may have a receding hairline. 

Hair loss is a usual side effect of growing older. On the surface of the scalp, thousands of hair follicles each grow their hair. New hairs grow in their place when the old ones fall off. Hair loss and a receding hairline can occur if hair follicles are damaged for a variety of causes. 

Hormonal changes

Hormonal changes may cause hair loss in men and women. DHT, a hormone that causes follicles to shrink so that no hair can grow in them, may be linked to male pattern baldness. 

 ❗History of the family 

Hairline receding appears to be linked to family history. Hair loss is more likely in men who have a family history of baldness. The loss may follow a similar path to earlier generations. 

Treatments or medications 

Specific medical procedures or treatments can also cause hair loss. Chemotherapy, for example, frequently causes a person’s hair to fall out. 

Illness or anxiety 

Sudden hair loss known as telogen effluvium can be caused by illness or stress. People frequently notice this as a sudden shedding of substantially more hair than usual in a short period. Fortunately, hair loss often reverses itself without the need for treatment. 

Choices of lifestyle 

There could also be a link between hair loss and confident lifestyle choices. People who smoke may lose their hair more quickly than those who do not. A link between receding hairlines and diet may also exist. People who don’t receive enough protein in their diets, for example, may lose more hair than those who do. 

Physical or emotional stress

Hair loss can be produced by a variety of factors, including stress. Telogen effluvium is the medical term for stress-induced hair loss. When the hair is combed or shampooed, it sheds profuse amounts of hair due to the condition.

Treatment for receding hairlines 

how to know if my hairline is receding

There is no specific way to prevent a receding hairline. However, there are several health measures and treatments to keep your hair as complete as possible for as long as feasible. 

Eating a well-balanced diet

A diet rich in antioxidants can make your hair look fuller and healthier. 

Antioxidants are matters that protect your hair from oxidative stress, which causes it to age. Can find natural antioxidant components in blueberries, spinach, kidney beans, and walnuts. 

The vitamins and minerals are essential for good hair growth such as iron zinc vitamin A, vitamin B-12, and E. Including various green vegetables, nuts, and seeds in your diet may help your hair look and feel better. 


Mini Doxia is the most frequent over-the-counter treatment for a receding hairline (Rogaine). Multiple studies have indicated that topical micro Doxia works better than a placebo Trusted Source. 

Finasteride (Propecia) is a medicine that works by lowering hormone levels that cause hair loss and receding hairlines. 

Herbal treatments 

If you have a receding hairline, topically applied herbal medicines may help you achieve healthier, fuller hair. 

Traditional holistic medicine uses hair loss therapies for ginseng, Chinese hibiscus, gotu kala, aloe vera, and gooseberry.

To make a conditioning treatment for your scalp, combine various herbs in an oil solution. 

Transplantation of hair 

Hair transplant occurs when a doctor transplants hair from around your hairline. Your hairline will appear fuller as a result of the implanted hairpieces. 

A hair transplant carries the risk of problems, and the procedure is not covered by health insurance. Find out if you’re a suitable candidate for a hair transplant by speaking with your doctor. 

Use mild shampoo

Some shampoos are made to be gentle on your hair while stimulating the hair follicles. While some shampoos contain chemicals that drain sebum (oil) from your scalp and weaken your follicles, others can help you grow your hair. 

Ketoconazole is the active element in these shampoos. 

Light therapy at a low intensity 

Lasers are used in low-level light treatment to stimulate hair growth on the scalp. It has been discovered that Reliable Sources is beneficial for both men and women suffering from hair loss. Theoretically, the light delivers a signal to your cells, causing hair follicles to enter the “anagen” (growth) phase. 

Essential oils

All of these remedies for a receding hairline are effective. Before using essential oils on the scalp, mix them with a carrier oil like almond oil, coconut oil.

Massage of the scalp 

A scalp massage applied regularly may aid in the growth of thicker, healthier hair. Increased blood circulation at the hairline may be why scalp rubbing works to stimulate hair follicles. Manually rubbing your scalp for at least 4 minutes each day is a good idea. 

Reduce DHT levels. 

DHT (dihydrotestosterone) is a hormone produced by your body. Hair loss may increase as DHT levels grow. 

Keep an eye on your diet and include enough lysine and zinc-rich foods to lower DHT levels in your body. You can quickly reduce DHT by snacking on cashews, almonds, and pecans.

Reduce your anxiety and tension. 

Some types of hair loss have been linked to stress. However, it may appear that reducing stress and anxiety is easier said than done. 

According to research, one can reduce stress levels by spending time outside, using relaxation techniques, and meditating.

Hairstyles for Receding Hairlines that Work 

how to know if my hairline is receding

If treatment doesn’t seem like the appropriate approach for you, your local barber may be able to help. Can disguise receding hairline with various hairstyles; here are a few of the best. 

✂️ Crew Cut Hairstyle

One of the most popular haircuts for receding hair is this one. Hair must be trimmed very short for this style, and a French Cut beard can complement the look nicely. 

✂️ Combover with a Short Temple Fade 

This is one of the most versatile receding hairstyles, as you can wear it in several lengths and fashions. The top section is separated to one side and styled to offer a neat look, while the faded sides create a contrast to disguise the baldness. 

✂️ Haircut with a Forehead Line 

This terrible hairline haircut features a visible line on the forehead and hair that is cut shorter on the sides. Maintaining a beard adds to the aesthetic and hides baldness. 

✂️ Trimmed Mohawk Hairstyle

The trimmed Mohawk may be the ideal haircut for drawing attention away from a poor hairline. As a result, the sides of this Mohawk haircut have been shaved. 

Final Words

While a receding hairline can be distressing to see, it is not harmful to one’s health. Most people can maintain their hairline, and various treatments can make the hair appear thicker or regrow. Anyone thinking about taking these treatments should go to a doctor first to determine which one is best for them.

Anthony Barone

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