How to Get Rid of Ingrown Hair on Neck? See Here!

Have you ever shaved only to find a reddish, raised, painful bump on your neck? We’ve all been there—ingrown hairs are pretty standard, especially among men active in manscaping. However, not only are these hairs a pain to feel and look at, but they can become infected when left untreated! So, the question is this: how to get rid of ingrown hair on neck?

I’ve listed the best ways to remove these pesky hairs and how you can prevent them from growing in the first place! Read on for a smoother and bump-free neck.

What is an Ingrown Hair?

Ingrown hairs appear as reddish, raised bumps on the skin. They’re caused by tiny hairs underneath the skin that don’t grow outward as they would. Instead, their tips grow sideways, causing irritation and inflammation. As a result, you get small bumps on your skin, appearing one by one or in clusters. 

An ingrown hair can resemble a small pimple, but it mostly appears on the face, armpits, legs, and neck. It’s a common condition, but it can be unpleasant to deal with, not to mention it can look unappealing. 

Since an ingrown hair on the neck can be mistaken for a simple, here’s how you can differentiate them:

  • An ingrown hair is often itchy and tender, unlike pimples which are often more painful. 
  • Ingrown hairs may lead to an inflammatory reaction, causing red or pink bumps. 
  • Curled hairs may be visible on the enter of those bumps. 
  • Some of these ingrown hair bumps may have a light-red halo. And this indicates inflammation. 
  • Sometimes, tiny pustules appear alongside ingrown hairs. They scatter over recently shaved areas, such as the neck. 
  • Bumps may begin to occur a few days to weeks after hair removal. And these worsen as the hairs grow back. 

What Causes Ingrown Hairs on the Neck?

Before we get into how to get rid of ingrown hair on neck, it pays to know its causes. Anything that doesn’t let your hair properly grow may lead to ingrown hair. And these are often the result of the following:

🪒 Improper Shaving Causes Ingrown Hair on the Neck

The most common cause of ingrown hair development on the neck is improper hair removal. Shaving or cutting hair near the skin creates a sharp tip on the end of each of your hair follicles. And though most of these will grow back without issues, some might curl back. 

As a result, some of your hairs may grow into your skin. When this occurs, your body will respond to the hair as if it were a foreign body. And this causes inflammation, a common symptom of ingrown hair.

But aside from shaving, there are other hair removal techniques to watch out for. For instance, incorrectly waxing and plucking hairs out can also cause ingrown hairs. These actions may force the hairs to grow back through their follicles. They may not make it to your skin’s surface before clogging the follicles. 

Luckily, you can easily prevent ingrown hair by shaving your hair correctly. So, the next time you shave your neck, think twice and be careful! 

💥 Friction Can Cause Ingrown Hairs

Constant friction caused by tight clothes for prolonged periods may cause ingrown hair on your neck. It does this by constantly rubbing the hairs against your skin, causing them to turn around and go back into their follicles. 

🪠 Clogged Hair Follicles

As mentioned earlier, clogged hair follicles are one of the main culprits of ingrown hair. But besides improper hair removal, it’s also possible for them to get blocked by the following:

  • Dead skin
  • Dirt 
  • Other debris

When any of these occur, your hair follicles might become stuck, clogging the skin, and causing ingrown hair. Sometimes, dead skin and other debris on your skin may force the hair in the follicle to grow sideways. And this also may lead to ingrown hairs. 

Also, in rare cases, you may see the hairs growing underneath your skin’s surface. 

How to Get Rid of Ingrown Hair on Neck? 4 Proven Methods to Try

Infographic image of How to Get Rid of Ingrown Hair on Neck

Dealing with ingrown hairs, especially for bearded men, can be annoying. Luckily, there are plenty of ways how to get rid of ingrown hair on neck. Check out these four proven methods for cleaner and bump-free skin!

Use Washcloth or Toothbrush to Get Rid of Ingrown Hair on Neck

blue and brown wooden toothbrushes - how to get rid of ingrown hair on neck
Photo Courtesy of Taisiia Shestopal

Since ingrown hairs go away on their own, all you must do is wait. But if waiting for them to disappear isn’t an option, you can always try using a washcloth or toothbrush.

You can coax hairs that have grown back into their follicles with a damp, warm washcloth or a toothbrush.  Here’s how you can perform each ingrown hair removal method:

  • Warm washcloth. Apply a soaked, warm washcloth to your ingrown hairs on the neck. It’s best to rub the cloth in a circular motion to uncurl the hairs gently. This helps warm and relax your hair follicles, coaxing them out for removal. 
  • Toothbrush. I suggest using a toothbrush with very soft bristles to avoid further irritation. Rub the toothbrush in a similar motion on the ingrown hairs to unclog their follicles, releasing the trapped hairs. 

Use Tweezers

Tweezers on Brown Plate
Photo Courtesy of Nataliya Vaitkevich

If you’re looking for a direct approach, remove each ingrown hair using tweezers. Once you see any part of the ingrown hair pop up above your skin, use sterile tweezers to pull it out. Alternatively, you may use a sterile needle, whichever is more convenient.

Regardless of what tool you use, only do this once you see the hair follicle above your skin. After all, digging deep into your skin to pull it out will likely lead to an infection. 

Aside from that, remember not to pluck the hairs out one after the other. Doing so increases the chances of those follicles turning into ingrown hairs again. Give some time for the inflamed areas surrounding the hairs to heal before removing the next one. 

This way, you reduce its chances of becoming ingrown hair again and the risk of infection!

After that, cleanse the areas with a gentle soap to ease inflammation and prevent infection. I recommend using natural exfoliates around the hairs to remove dead skin cells. Doing this clears the swelling and irritation. 

Keep Exfoliating to Remove Ingrown Hairs on Your Neck

wooden brush and bowl with sea salt for spa procedures placed on wooden rough surface with scratches and spots
Photo Courtesy of Monstera

A simple way to get rid of ingrown hair on the neck is using an exfoliating scrub. You can add this to your everyday skincare routine.

Scrubbing the affected areas helps eliminate the dead skin around the hairs. It coaxes the hair from there, making it easier to remove. 

When using exfoliators like facial scrubs, apply them to your neck in a circular motion. Plus, ensure to focus on each ingrown hair for better removal. Doing this helps you get rid of each one without irritating your skin. 

But if your skin begins to sting, rinse the exfoliant off with clean, plain water and give it a break for a while. It’s best to do this for a few days between each session to avoid irritating your neck—and making things worse.

Try Lasers for Professional Ingrown Hair Removal

professional cosmetician doing face skin care procedure
Photo Courtesy of Niko Becker

If nothing works out for you long-term, go for hair laser removal for a permanent solution. 

Hair laser removal gets rid of ingrown hair by targeting each follicle. It reaches the deepest part of your skin, where your hair roots lie, getting rid of unwanted hair. And it also prevents ingrown hair development in the process. 

But remember that this isn’t a one-time thing. It usually takes several treatment sessions to complete. Depending on the thickness and color of your hair, you may need to undergo fewer or more sessions.

For confirmation, go to your chosen dermatologist and consult if it’s a viable option for you. 

Luckily, you can treat most ingrown hairs on your neck at home. Plus, they rarely require medical attention. But on those occasions that you require a doctor to intervene, make sure to do it immediately. If not, these can become infected, overgrowing, and filling more with pus.

So, if you see anything unusual with your ingrown hairs, consult with a dermatologist immediately to avoid further infection.

How to Prevent Ingrown Hair Growth?

Although there are many ways how to get rid of ingrown hair on neck, sometimes they can be too much for men. And this is especially common among men who can’t seem to slow down their beard growth. The best solution is to prevent ingrown hair development altogether when this occurs.

Here are a few of the best preventative measures for ingrown hair:

✔️ Natural Exfoliation

Exfoliation is among the best preventive measures for ingrown hair on the neck. After all, it’s flexible and is ultimately beneficial for your skin. Although there’s nothing wrong with using commercially-made exfoliators, nothing beats all-natural! 

Below are some of the best natural ingredients you can scrub into your skin to remove dead skin cells and prevent ingrown hair growth: 

  • Coffee granules
  • Sugar
  • Salt 
  • Baking soda

✔️ Use Over-the-Counter Products Like Shaving Cream to Prevent Ingrown Hair on the Neck

If you’re looking for a faster and more convenient preventive measure, you can never go wrong with over-the-counter products! There are plenty that can help prevent ingrown hairs, but shaving cream is one of the best products for men. 

If you’re the kind of man that thinks you don’t need shaving cream when shaving, you’re only making your ingrown hair situation worse. 

By adding this essential manscaping product to your shaving routine, you’re making a more substantial barrier between your skin and the razor. And this, in turn, alleviates ingrown hair on your neck alongside razor burns and bumps. 

I recommend using shaving creams with ample amounts of salicylic acid to open up your follicles. This way, you can prevent your hair from clogging up. 

Aside from shaving cream, you may also use diluted tea tree oil to prevent ingrown hair by doing the following:

  • Killing bacteria on your skin’s surface
  • Easing the inflammation 
  • Reducing the redness of the affected areas

✔️ Prepare for Hair Removal to Prevent Further Growth of Ingrown Hair

Prepping your skin for hair removal can prevent ingrown hair growth in the long run. For instance, washing your face and neck before shaving with a gentle soap can stop future growth by reducing the bacteria on your skin. Meanwhile, using moisturizing shaving creams and gels can help by reducing friction. 

Another preventive measure to try before hair removal is using fresh razors. Not only does this help you make precise cuts, but it also reduces your risk of infection! After all, dull razor blades tend to leave jagged cuts, increasing your risk of ingrown hair. 

Finally, avoiding shaving near your skin can also prevent ingrown hair growth by reducing friction. 

✔️ Prevention Done Professionally 

Like how you can get rid of ingrown hair professionally, you can also prevent them the same way. If you don’t want the risks of shaving, plucking, and waxing, below are some professional treatments you can try. Each one removes hair follicles without leaving jagged cuts, preventing ingrown hair in the long run. 

  • Chemical hair removal. A famous example of this is chemical peels. They help prevent ingrown hair growth further by exfoliating deep into your skin. 
  • Laser hair removal. This is a costly yet efficient way of preventing ingrown hair. It penetrates hair follicles down to their roots, preventing any hair from growing. 
  • Electrolysis. A permanent form of ingrown hair removal designed to destroy the roots themselves. And this is usually more expensive and time-consuming, requiring multiple sessions. 

But before you delve into any of these treatments, make sure to consult with your dermatologist first. After all, every skin is different, and some methods may irritate you more than others. 

Additional Tips for Ingrown Hair Prevention on the Neck

Here are some additional tips to try to prevent ingrown hair development on your neck: 

  • Single-blade razors are the best for prevention. When shaving your face and neck, use sharp single-blade razors for the best results. 
  • Tease them out. Rub your face and neck in a circulation motion daily with a wet, warm washcloth or exfoliating scrub. It helps coax ingrown hairs out. 
  • Wet or lube before shaving. To reduce friction and bacteria on your skin, wet your face and neck with warm water before shaving. Alternatively, you may use a lubricating gel. 
  • Follow the growth. When shaving, follow the direction your hair is growing. 
  • Stay away. Never shave too close to your face or neck as this entices ingrown hair growth.
  • Keep it minimal. When shaving, use as few strokes as possible. It lessens the chances of the hairs curling back into your skin. 

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Why do ingrown hairs often grow on my neck?

A: Constant shaving, tweezing, and waxing hair on your neck can lead to ingrown hairs. Although generally harmless, these can cause itching and pain over time. And when you don’t take care of these early on, they can become infected. Fortunately, most ingrown hairs on the neck go away on their own. 

Q: What’s the best way to get rid of ingrown hair from the neck?

A: You can remove ingrown hairs on your neck by scrubbing them with an exfoliating brush or scrub. If not possible, you can use a regular washcloth soaked in warm water. Regardless, make sure to follow circular motions for the best results. Aside from that, you can pull ingrown hair one by one with a tweezer. 

Q: Can ingrown hairs lead to a hard lump?

A: When infected, an ingrown hair might develop into a cyst, forming a lump beneath the skin. Doctors may only suggest treatment if these cysts cause pain or come with other symptoms. But these are generally harmless and go away on their own. 

Q: Is it possible to pop an ingrown hair on the neck?

A: Although there’s a way to treat an ingrown hair cyst, never pop it. It increases your risk of infecting the lump or leaving scars. Also, don’t try to lift the cyst out with tweezers as you’d do with normal ingrown hairs. A cyst formation often implies that the bump is already too deep to pull out. 

Q: Can using toothpaste help with ingrown hair on the neck?

A: You can use toothpaste to cover ingrown hair and ease the pain. Picking at ingrown hair on your neck isn’t recommended. Instead, you can apply a hot compress alongside some toothpaste to the area to ease the swelling.

Final Words

How to get rid of ingrown hair on neck? There are many ways to remove it, ranging from simply plucking each one out to laser removal. But remember, if you see or feel out of the ordinary, don’t hesitate to contact your doctor. Either way, the listed methods should be able to help you eliminate these pesky bumps in no time.

Anthony Barone

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