Dandruff: How To Get Rid Of It?

Has your hair been itching lately? That could be a sign of ever-prevalent dandruff. It is even found to be more prevalent in males than in females. This is going to be a problem, especially if the itching is getting out of hand. But fortunately, there are methods to get rid of this annoyance.

Here, in this article, I will inform you of some methods to treat and dandruff. However, we need to talk about the causes of dandruff first to keep an eye on those causes.

What Causes Dandruff?

🦱 Age-related factor

Young adults and middle-aged men are the ones who are more likely to develop dandruff than any age group or gender. But that does not mean women and older men are entirely safe from the condition. However, it is at this stage where your body is still experiencing changes, even if it is not as extreme as puberty. So if you are around this age, you have to have more preparation to prevent dandruff.

🦱 Oily Scalp

If your scalp tends to produce excessive amounts of oil or sebum, you are prone to developing dandruff. The particles of dandruff tend to be oily in texture, which is the effect of excessive sebum. This can even progress to many severe conditions such as eczema and dermatitis.

🦱 Dry Scalp

Since dandruff is mainly composed of dry skin material, having a dry scalp makes you prone to it. The dry skin will tend to shed more, causing an excessive amount of dandruff. Due to the over-production of the dry flakes, it will be hard to remove them with a shower. They may suddenly break out at any time of the day, even if they seem to be disappearing.

🦱 Fungus

Malassezia is a fungus that is notorious for causing dandruff. As unsettling as it may sound, you basically have yeast fungi living in your scalp. Since it has all the necessary resources it needs from your skin, it will be challenging to get rid of. This is primarily going to affect those with dry, vulnerable skin and those with an oily scalp.

🦱 Underlying Conditions

Some people may develop a type of dermatitis or eczema that can increase dandruff production. Flaking can also be triggered by external factors such as the response of the condition to certain hair products. For example, dermatitis could cause dandruff if it comes in contact with hair products that your skin is sensitive to. Allowing these conditions to progress may lead to scalp and hair damage.

Methods In Getting Rid Of Dandruff

A black man applying shampoo on his curly hair while taking bath
Photo credits: Radar Magazine

✅ Shampoo Medications

Shampoos that promise the treatment of dandruff do not always work well. Most of them do remove current dandruff but leave behind dehydrated skin as the aftermath. That means even if you use it with dedication and consistency, the dry skin will lead to dandruff once again.

There are, however, certain shampoos approved by dermatologists that remove dandruff. These shampoos work by removing dandruff all while rehydrating the skin. This is a much more effective method as opposed to buying whatever product you come across the store.

✅ Seeing A Dermatologist

As mentioned in the first method, you can’t just trust any shampoo in the market. For a much more reliable source of information, you may consult a dermatologist. These medically trained professionals are the most suited to deal with these kinds of conditions.

Besides the shampoo that I previously mentioned, they may consult certain medications as well. These medications usually work by maintaining your scalp’s good condition. However, this method may become pricey because of the consultation and the purchase of medicines.

✅ Home Remedies

Apple Cider, Aloe Vera, and Coconut Oil are all well-known home remedies for dandruff. In addition, there are hundreds of other home remedies on the internet for you to find out. They are usually composed of simple products you can find at your home or the local store. However, you have to be wary as some of them are not medically approved. For reference, here are some known effective home remedies:

AspirinThis is an over-the-counter pain treatment that may help with dandruff symptoms. Aspirin includes salicylic acid, which is a frequent active element in shampoos for dandruff. In addition, salicylic acid can aid in the exfoliation of excess flakes, the prevention of oil accumulation, and the reduction of scalp irritation.
Baking SodaUsing this method may not give you permanent result and still do not have a medical explanation because of its high pH. But, there are instances where it is effective when diluted with lukewarm water and other ingredients like egg white and honey.
Witch HazelIt is an astringent that has an anti-inflammatory effect that soothes the scalp from irritation due to itchy, flaky scalp.
BananasFruits like bananas contain a constituent that focuses on the antimicrobial effect to heal the flaky part of your scalp and make your skin healthier.
Jojoba OilThis oil has Vitamin E and other antioxidants that help moisturize your scalp, preventing dandruff growth.

✅ Practicing A Healthy Diet

This method doubles as prevention and treatment for dandruff. Iron, vitamin B, probiotics, and fats are all beneficial for getting rid of dandruff. In addition, they keep the scalp healthy, which suppresses further dandruff production. Foods like eggs, yogurt, salmon, and tuna have these essential nutrients. So if you are trying to get rid of your dandruff, you have to eat healthier food to do so.

✅ Keeping Your Scalp Hydrated And Exfoliated

Exfoliation is known as the process of getting rid of the dead skin that may form dandruff. Meanwhile, hydration prevents the dryness of the skin that can lead to dandruff production. There are products such as the aspirin scrub that can provide this effect. You may also consult dermatologists or those experienced with scalp care for effective outcomes. However, it would help if you watched out for unwanted effects or reactions your skin may have towards the product.

How To Prevent The Accumulation Of Dandruff

A close shot of dandruff on a man's sculp while combing hair

🦱 Stress Management

Because of stress, your immune system may become weakened. This is not optimal, considering the previously mentioned fungi may cause dandruff. Because of this, you have to take a break for the sake of your scalp. Not only that, but excessive stress can harm your whole body. So you should do yourself and your body a favor and take a break everyone once in a while.

🦱 Preparing When Going Outside

Excessive sunlight can lead to dry skin, which leads to dandruff. Bring an umbrella or wear a cap for sunlight protection. This doesn’t mean you can’t soak some sun every once in a while because otherwise, it will be equally unhealthy. It just takes balance in getting some sunlight and preventing excessive amounts of it from causing dry skin.

🦱 Watching Out For Unsuitable Hair Products

If you had a bad reaction to a particular hair product, avoid using that product again. Some hair products lead to dry or oily skin, which can increase the chances of the development of dandruff. You may check the ingredients of the consequences if anything could have caused the bad reaction. Some of these ingredients include zinc pyrithione, coal tar, and selenium sulfide.

🦱 Having A Scalp Care Routine

The scalp is still a part of your skin, so it is fitting to have a routine for it. This would involve the previously mentioned exfoliation and rehydration. Keeping your scalp clean and well-maintained will significantly reduce your chances of developing dandruff. Though it is not always poor hygiene that is the culprit, it is still a healthy option to consider.

Bottom Line

Dandruff irritation and peeling can nearly always be managed. However, you may have to experiment with many products before settling on a regimen that appears to be working for you. You will very certainly require recurrent or long-term therapy. Check and follow the instructions on each product you try. Some products must be kept on for a few moments, while you must rapidly wash others off. There are no additional preparations required for a dandruff diagnosis consultation. Your doctor or dermatologist will most likely be able to determine dandruff merely by inspecting your scalp.

Anthony Barone

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