How to Deal With Pubic Hair: Tips for Men

While having hair in the pubic area is entirely natural, some men feel self-conscious about it. In fact, some guys go to great lengths to get rid of their pubes completely. But some only go for a trim and ask how to cut pubic hair using scissors.

There are a few different ways to cut your pubic hair, including using electric clippers and scissors. Both of these methods are relatively simple to use, but it’s important to be careful and take your time trimming or cutting your pubes.

If you’re one of those men who would like to do something about your pubic hair, this guide will show you how to cut pubic hair using scissors, razors, and electric clippers.

What Is Pubic Hair and Why Do We Have It?

A man trimming the hair of his pubes with an electric trimmer
closeup of a young caucasian man in the bathroom trimming the hair of his pubes with an electric trimmer

Before we get into dealing with pubic hair, let’s first look at what it is and why we have it. That way, you’ll better understand why you might want to trim or remove it.

Pubic hair is the hair that grows around your pubes. It’s usually thick and coarse, and it can range in color from light brown to black. You might have a lot of pubic hair, or you might have very little. Everyone is different. In general, our bodies have hair for a few different reasons, including:

➣To Keep Us Warm

Since our body hair tends to be thick and coarse, it acts as a layer of insulation that helps keep us warm. And that’s not just limited to our pubic area – we also have hair on our arms, legs, and other areas of the body.

Without hair, we might not be able to keep as warm, particularly in cold weather. So, if you’re someone who gets cold easily, you can thank your body hair for helping to keep you warm.

➣To Protect Our Sensitive Areas

Our pubic region comprises many sensitive tissues, which need protection. And that’s where the hair comes in. The hair helps to protect our sensitive areas from the elements, dirt, and bacteria.

It’s also worth noting that pubic hair usually grows during puberty when our bodies start to produce hormones like testosterone. So, if you’re wondering why you have hair in your pubes, it’s probably because of those hormones.

➣To Protect Our Skin

Hair also protects our skin around the pubic area from friction when wearing tight jeans or other clothing. It is especially important for people susceptible to ingrown hairs or razor burn.

It will take some time and practice to get the hang of how to cut pubic hair using scissors, razors, or electric clippers. But once you have the hang of it, it’s easy to maintain your pubic hair to feel comfortable for you. So if you’re looking for a simple way to manage your body hair and feel more comfortable in your own skin, give one of these methods a try.

History of Pubic Hair Removal

When we talk about dealing with pubic hair, it’s helpful to understand the history of pubic hair removal. In many cultures throughout history, men have removed their pubic hair for various reasons. Let’s start by:

1️⃣Scissor-Based Method

The first method for dealing with pubic hair is scissor-based. It involves using scissors to trim the hair and you can do it in full or by parts. It’s the least traumatic method of getting rid of pubic hair, as it uses a very sharp instrument that’s easy to control.

2️⃣Blade-Based Method

The second method for getting rid of pubic hair is blade-based. It involves using a razor or an electric shaver to remove the hair. This method can be done completely or in parts and is more traumatic than the scissor-based method, as it uses a sharp blade that can cause cuts and nicks.

3️⃣Chemical-Based Method

The third method for dealing with pubic hair is chemical-based. It involves using depilatory creams, waxes, or other chemicals to remove the hair. While this method can effectively remove the hair, it can also cause irritation, burns, and other skin reactions.

4️⃣Razor-Based Method

The fourth method for getting rid of pubic hair is the razor method. It involves using a razor to remove the hair, either manually or electrically. This method is quick and easy but can also be traumatic and lead to irritation, cuts, and nicks if done incorrectly.

5️⃣Electric Shaver-Based Method

The fifth and final method for removing pubic hair is the electric shaver method. It involves using an electric shaver to remove the hair. This method is quick and easy and can be done without water or shaving cream. However, it can also be traumatic and lead to irritation if done incorrectly.

Trimming Vs. Shaving

When it comes to dealing with pubic hair, there are two main methods: trimming and shaving. Trimming is the process of using scissors or an electric trimmer to remove the hair. Shaving is the process of using a razor or an electric shaver to remove the hair.

Each method has its own benefits and drawbacks, so it’s important to choose the right one for you. Trimming is less traumatic than shaving, but it can be more difficult to get a clean, even trim. Shaving is quick and easy, but it might cause your pube hair to grow back thicker or faster.

Reasons Why Men Should Consider Trimming

Reasons Why Men Should Consider Trimming

Ultimately, how you deal with your pubic hair is up to you. But trimming is a good option if you’re looking for a simple way to keep things under control. Here are a few reasons why:

✔Less Traumatic

Unlike shaving, which can be traumatic and lead to cuts and nicks, trimming is much less likely to cause any damage to the skin. You just need to be careful not to trim too close and avoid any sensitive areas.

✔Quicker and Easier

Trimming is also quicker and easier than shaving. You don’t need to use any shaving cream, and you can do it without a mirror. Just make sure you have a good pair of scissors, and you’re good to go.

✔Easy to Control

When trimming your pubic hair, you completely control how much hair you’re removing. It can be helpful if you’re trying to avoid any irritation or skin reactions.

✔Can Be Done In Parts

Trimming doesn’t have to be an all-or-nothing proposition. You can choose to only trim certain areas or go for a complete trim. It is a great way to find the right balance between how much hair you’re comfortable with and how little pubic hair you actually need.

✔Allows for More Precise Styling

If you’re looking for a more precise way to style your pubic hair, trimming is the way to go. You can use scissors to create any number of different styles, from a simple landing strip to a more intricate design.

✔Fewer Ingrown Hairs

Another benefit of trimming is that it can help to reduce the number of ingrown hairs. When hair is shaved, it’s cut at an angle, which can cause the hair to grow back into the skin. On the other hand, Trimming cuts the hair straight across, which helps to prevent ingrown hairs.

Reasons Why Men Should Consider Shaving

A man is trying to shave his public hair using a razor
Young adolescent muscular man trying to remove his unshaved private hair using a razor

Shaving is the more traditional method for how to deal with pubic hair. It’s quick, easy, and can be done without water or shaving cream. Here are a few reasons why you might want to consider shaving:

✔Can Be Done In One Go

Unlike trimming, which can be done in parts or multiple stages, shaving is usually done all at once. It can make it the ideal option if you want to get rid of your pubic hair quickly and easily.

✔Easy to Maintain

Shaving also requires less maintenance than trimming. Once your pubic hair is gone, you don’t have to do anything else until it starts to grow back. It can be helpful if you’re short on time or don’t want to deal with the hassle of trimming your pubic hair regularly.

✔Achieves a Clean Look

If you’re looking for a clean, smooth look, shaving is the way to go. There’s no need to worry about uneven edges or missed spots. Just make sure you’re careful not to shave too close to the skin.

Top Benefits and Drawbacks of Each Method

You might be wondering which method is right for you. So here’s a quick overview of the benefits and drawbacks of each:

◼Scissor-Based Method

Using scissors is the most common way to trim pubic hair. It’s quick, easy, and can be done without water or shaving cream. Here are its benefits and drawbacks:


– Simple and quick to do

– Can be done without water or shaving cream

– Allows for more precise styling


– Not as effective at getting a clean, even trim

– May cause ingrown hairs or skin irritation if not done properly

◼Blade-Based Method

Using a blade to shave your pubic hair is another common option. It’s quick and easy, but it does require water and shaving cream. Here are the pros and cons:


– Quick and easy to do

– Provides smoother, cleaner results than scissors


– Requires access to water and shaving cream

– May cause skin irritation if not done properly

◼Chemical-Based Method

If you’re looking for a more permanent solution, a chemical-based method might be the right choice. It involves applying a depilatory cream to the area and letting it sit for several minutes before removing it. Here are the key benefits and drawbacks of this approach:


– Long-lasting results

– Does not require any shaving or trimming


– Requires the use of potentially harmful chemicals

– Can cause skin irritation if not used properly

– Results may not be as long-lasting as advertised

◼Razor-Based Method

If you’re looking for a more traditional solution, shaving with a razor may be the way to go. It’s quick and easy, but it does require access to water, shaving cream, and soap. Here are the pros and cons:


– Quick and easy to do

– Provides smooth, clean results


– Requires access to water, shaving cream, and soap

– Can cause skin irritation if not done properly

– Will need to be repeated more often than other methods

◼Electric Shaver-Based Method

Today that technology has advanced to the point where electric razors are cordless and portable, there’s another option for dealing with pubic hair. Electric shavers can provide quick and easy results without any blades or irritation. However, they do require access to water and shaving cream. Here are their main pros and cons:


– Quick and easy to use

– Cordless and portable

– No blades or irritation


– Requires access to water and shaving cream

– Can be more expensive than other options

Choosing the Right Method for You

Choosing the Right Method for You

Now that you know the benefits and drawbacks of each method, you can decide which one is right for you. If you’re looking for a quick and easy solution, shaving or trimming is probably your best bet.

But if you want something that’s more permanent, a chemical-based method may be the way to go. Whichever method you choose, just make sure you’re careful and take your time to avoid any accidents.

Take your time to see what works best for you and your body. With a little bit of experimentation, you’ll find the perfect method for how to deal with your pubic hair. Don’t be afraid to try something new – you might be surprised at how much you like it!

How To Cut Pubic Hair Using Scissors

The first thing you can think of when considering trimming your pubic hair is scissors. But do you know how to cut pubic hair using scissors? If not, here are some tips and tricks on how to properly trim your pubic hair using scissors:

1. The first step is to decide how much of your pubic hair you want to remove or how short you want to keep it. Some people prefer a clean look with a nice, even trim, while others might like to leave a bit more of their natural texture.

2. Next, gather your tools. You’ll need scissors that are sharp and easy to handle, as well as access to water and a mild soap or shaving cream.

3. Once you’ve gathered the necessary supplies, it’s time to start trimming. Soak in the shower for a few minutes to soften the hair, then apply some water or shaving cream to help keep it from getting caught on your scissors.

4. You can begin cutting at the base of your pubic hair, slowly moving up and outward toward the sides until you’ve reached your desired length. Work slowly and carefully to avoid any accidents.

5. Once you’re done trimming, take a look at your handiwork in the mirror and make any necessary adjustments. If everything looks good, then you’re all finished!

Now that you know how to cut pubic hair using scissors, you can experiment with different lengths and styles to find what works best for you. Just remember to work slowly and carefully, and always trim in the direction of hair growth to avoid any irritation.

How To Cut Pubic Hair Using Clippers

If you’re looking for a quick and easy way to trim your pubic hair, then using clippers is definitely the way to go. Clippers are designed specifically for cutting hair, so they’ll make quick work of any unwanted hair. Plus, they’re much less likely to cause any irritation or skin problems. Here’s how to properly use them:

1. The first step is to get the right kind of clippers. You’ll want to find a pair that’s specifically designed for cutting hair, as regular scissors can actually cause more problems than they solve.

2. Then, you can put on a pair of gloves to help protect your skin while you’re trimming. This will also help keep the clippers clean and reduce the risk of any accidental cuts.

3. Once you’ve gathered all of your supplies, it’s time to start trimming. You can begin at the base of your pubic hair, moving slowly outward toward the sides until you’ve reached your desired length.

4. After you’re done trimming, take a look at your handiwork in the mirror and make any necessary adjustments. If everything looks good, then congratulations – you’re all finished!

As you can see, it’s easy to cut pubic hair using clippers. Just remember to be careful and take your time, as well as clean and protect your tools to reduce the risk of any mishaps. With a little bit of practice, you’ll have perfectly trimmed pubic hair in no time!

How To Cut Pubic Hair Using an Electric Razor

An electric razor is another great option for how to deal with your pubic hair. It’s quick, easy, and relatively painless, plus it’s a great way to avoid any nicks or cuts. Here’s how to properly use an electric razor:

1. The first step is to find the right kind of razor. You’ll want to choose an electric razor that comes with a comb attachment, as this will help you get the best results.

2. Next, it’s time to gather your supplies. You’ll need your electric razor, a clean towel or cloth, and some water or shaving cream. You’ll also want to put on a pair of gloves for better protection.

3. Once you’ve gathered everything, it’s time to start shaving. Begin at the base of your pubic hair and move slowly outward toward the sides. Try to go with the grain of your hair to avoid any irritation.

4. After you’re done shaving, get your clean towel or cloth and wipe away any excess hair that might be clinging to your razor. Then, take a look in the mirror and make any necessary adjustments. If everything looks good, then you’re all finished!

And now you know how to cut pubic hair using an electric razor. Just remember to be careful and take your time, as well as clean your razor after each use. With a little bit of practice, you’ll be able to achieve the perfect trim every time.

What Is Razor Burn?

Razor burn is a common problem that can occur when shaving any part of the body. It’s characterized by redness, itching, and/or burning, and it can be quite uncomfortable.

It happens when your skin becomes irritated during or after shaving. It is often caused by using the wrong tools, such as a dull razor or poor-quality shaving cream. So the next time you’re wondering how to avoid razor burn, be sure to take a look at your shaving supplies and make sure you’re using the best possible products.

How To Shave Pubic Hair Without Getting Razor Burn

No man wants to deal with razor burn, so if you’re looking for how to shave pubic hair without getting razor burn, here are a few tips that will help:


Before you even start shaving, it’s important to moisturize your skin. It will help to reduce the risk of razor burn and other irritation. You can use a lotion, cream, or even olive oil. Just make sure that it’s applied evenly and liberally.

You can find lotions and creams specifically designed for shaving at your local drugstore, or you can make your own DIY shaving cream using a few simple ingredients.

👍Prepare Your Skin

In order to reduce the risk of razor burn, it’s important to prepare your skin before you start shaving. It means that you should wash the area with warm water and soap to soften the hair and open up the pores.

You can also use pre-shave oil, which will help to further protect your skin. Just apply it evenly over the area you’re going to shave and then proceed as usual.

👍Use A Sharp Razor

If you want to avoid razor burn, then you need to make sure that you’re using a sharp razor. A dull razor is more likely to cause irritation and can even lead to nicks and cuts. So, be sure to replace your razor regularly.

Not replacing it will increase your chances of developing razor burn and other skin irritation. If possible, try to check your razor before you start shaving, and if it looks worn out or rusted, then go ahead and replace it.

👍Shave In The Right Direction

Another important tip is to shave in the direction of your hair. Shaving against the grain can actually cause razor burn, so it’s best to avoid it if possible.

You can easily find out which direction your hair is growing in by doing a patch test. Just shave a small area and see how it feels after. If you notice any redness or irritation, then that’s the direction your hair is growing in.

👍Rinse With Cold Water

After you’re done shaving, rinse your skin with cold water. It will help to close the pores and reduce any redness or irritation. And that will leave your skin feeling soft and smooth.

If you just let your pores get closed, you’ll be prone to how to shave pubic hair without getting razor burn. So, it’s important to follow these tips and take extra care when shaving your pubic area. With a bit of practice and the right tools, you can achieve a close shave that will leave your skin feeling soft and smooth.

👍Use Aftershave

If you want to make sure that your skin is free of irritation, then be sure to apply a soothing aftershave or lotion. It will help to reduce the pain and discomfort from shaving, and it will leave your skin feeling moisturized and refreshed.

But you have to know how to choose the right aftershave, as not all of them are made with sensitive skin in mind. So, make sure to choose one that’s specially formulated for your skin type and avoid any alcohol-based aftershave, which can irritate your skin and cause razor burn.

👍Don’t Shave Too Close

When it comes to how to shave pubic hair without getting razor burn, it’s important to avoid shaving too close. If you want a close shave, then you should use a trimmer or an electric razor. But if you’re using a manual razor, then be sure to leave a bit of stubble behind.

Shaving too close can actually cause razor burn, so it’s best to avoid it. Just remember to take your time and go slowly. And if you do happen to get razor burn, then be sure to apply a soothing lotion or cream to help ease the discomfort.

How To Avoid Ingrown Hairs When Shaving Pubic Hair

Another common problem that people face when shaving pubic hair is ingrown hair. Ingrown hairs are hairs that grow back into the skin, and they can be quite painful. Fortunately, there are a few things you can do to avoid them. Here are a few tips on how to avoid ingrown hairs when shaving pubic hair:

✔Exfoliate Your Skin

One of the best ways to avoid ingrown hairs is to regularly exfoliate your skin. It will help to remove any dead skin cells that can get trapped in your hair follicles, which can lead to ingrown hairs.

You can use a gentle exfoliating scrub or even a washcloth to do this. Just make sure to be gentle and avoid any scrub that’s too harsh, as it can irritate your skin.

✔Use A Moisturizing Shave Cream

Another important tip is to use a moisturizing shave cream or gel when shaving. It will help to lubricate your skin and make it easier to shave without causing any irritation. And it will also help to prevent razor burn.

You can find a variety of moisturizing shave creams at your local drugstore, or you can even make one yourself at home. Just be sure to choose a cream or gel that’s made specifically for sensitive skin.

✔Soften Your Hair

Another important tip on how to avoid ingrown hairs when shaving pubic hair is to make sure your hair is soft before you start shaving. You can do this by soaking in a warm bath or shower for a few minutes.

It will help to soften your hair and make it easier to shave without causing any irritation. Just be sure to pat yourself dry before you start shaving, as wet skin can be more prone to irritation.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What’s the best method to shave pubic hair for men?

As a man, the best method to shave pubic hair depends on your personal preference. Some men prefer using an electric razor, while others find that a manual razor gives them the closest and cleanest shave.

2. How often should men shave their pubic hair?

There is no right answer to this question as to how often you should shave your pubic hair will depend on your personal preferences and how fast your hair grows. Some men choose to shave their pubic hair on a daily basis, while others only do so a few times per week.

3. Is oil better than shaving cream when it comes to shaving pubic hair?

The answer depends on your personal preference. Some people find that oil provides a closer and smoother shave, while others prefer using shaving cream. Ultimately, it’s up to you to decide which one works best for you.

4. What makes a good shaving cream for pubic hair?

When it comes to choosing a shaving cream for pubic hair, it’s important to choose one that’s especially for your skin type and avoid any alcohol-based aftershave, which can irritate your skin and cause razor burn. You should also look for a cream that’s thick and creamy, as it will help to provide a smooth and close shave. Additionally, it’s important to choose a shaving cream that has moisturizing ingredients like shea butter or aloe vera, which can help to soothe and protect your skin while you shave.

5. Why is it important to exfoliate before shaving pubic hair?

One of the main reasons why you should exfoliate before shaving pubic hair is to help remove any dead skin cells that could get trapped in your hair follicles and lead to ingrown hairs. Additionally, exfoliating will also help to make your skin softer and smoother, which can make it easier to shave and reduce your risk of irritation or razor burn.

6. Is it safe to shave or wax pubic hair?

Yes, it’s generally considered safe to shave or wax your pubic hair. However, it’s important to be gentle when shaving and avoid any harsh chemicals or aftershaves that could irritate your skin. It’s also important to make sure that your tools are clean and sanitized, as this can help to prevent the risk of infection or other skin conditions. If you experience any redness or irritation after shaving or waxing, be sure to speak with your doctor for advice on how to care for your skin.

7. When should I call my doctor about pubic hair shaving?

While shaving your pubic hair is generally safe, there are a few signs that you should call your doctor. If you experience intense pain, redness, or inflammation after shaving, speak with your doctor, as this could be a sign of an infection.

8. When is the best time to shave pubic hair?

Shaving isn’t something that should be done every day as it can irritate your skin. The best time to shave pubic hair is when you have time to properly prep your skin and avoid any rushing, which could lead to accidents.

9. When is the best time to trim pubic hair?

Trimming your pubic hair is a good way to keep it tidy. You can do it more frequently than shaving. The best time to trim your pubic hair is when it starts to get too long or gets in the way of your everyday activities.

10. What type of razor should I use to shave pubic hair?

The type of razor you use to shave your pubic hair is entirely up to you. Some people prefer electric razors, while others find that manual razors give them a closer shave. Ultimately, it’s important to choose a razor that’s comfortable for you, and that won’t irritate your skin.

Final Thoughts

Now that you know the different ways to shave and trim your pubs, including how to cut pubic hair using scissors, you can feel confident in taking care of this sensitive area with ease. By following these tips, you can achieve a close shave that will leave your skin feeling soft and smooth. For more guides like this, click here. With a bit of practice, you’ll be a pro in no time!

Anthony Barone

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